
Top Reasons Why Restaurant Franchises are a Growing Trend Among Entrepreneurs

restaurant franchises

These days, more and more entrepreneurs are hopping on board the trend of owning restaurant franchises. And it’s no wonder why – with endless opportunities for success, growth, and profitability, restaurant franchises offer a unique business model that is hard to resist. In this blog post, we’ll explore why restaurant franchises quickly become the go-to choice for savvy entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in the industry. So grab a seat (preferably at your favorite franchise location), and let’s dive in!

Introduction to Restaurant Franchises

Restaurant franchises have become a popular business model among entrepreneurs in recent years. A restaurant franchise is a business arrangement where an individual or group (franchisee) purchases the right to use an established restaurant concept’s brand, products, and services (franchisor). Buying a turnkey business with a proven success record is like buying a turnkey business.

The franchising concept has existed for a long time but gained popularity in the United States during the 1930s with the growth of fast-food chains. Today, thousands of different types of restaurant franchises operate globally, ranging from fast-casual dining to fine-dining establishments. It includes all cuisines, from Continental to Asian, Mediterranean, Turkish to Mexican. In this section, we will explore the basics of restaurant franchises and why they have become a growing trend among entrepreneurs.

Benefits of Owning a Restaurant Franchise

One of the main reasons restaurant franchises are attractive to entrepreneurs is that they offer several benefits over starting an independent restaurant from scratch. First and foremost, by purchasing a franchise, you are buying into a proven and successful business model. The franchisor has invested time and resources to develop its brand, products, and services. As a franchise owner, you can avoid many common pitfalls associated with starting a new business.

Additionally, owning a franchise provides access to established systems and procedures tested over time. These systems cover various aspects such as menu development, marketing strategies, employee training programs, and inventory management techniques. You can save time and money by leveraging these systems instead of creating them yourself from scratch while ensuring consistency across all franchise locations.

Another significant advantage is that purchasing a franchise gives you immediate name recognition. Unlike starting an independent restaurant, where building brand awareness takes time, owning a franchise allows you to benefit from the franchisor’s long-term brand loyalty.

Moreover, being part of an established network of franchisees provides a sense of community and support. Franchisees can share ideas, experiences, and best practices, creating a support system that can benefit everyone involved.


Restaurant franchises have become popular among entrepreneurs due to their numerous benefits over starting an independent restaurant. Owning a franchise allows individuals to enter the competitive restaurant industry with reduced risks and higher chances of success.

The Growth of the Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry (the pandemic years aside) has seen significant growth in recent years, with more and more entrepreneurs choosing to invest in restaurant franchises. This trend is not without reason, as the restaurant industry offers an array of opportunities for business owners to thrive and succeed. In this section, we will explore the reasons behind the restaurant industry’s growth and why it has become such an attractive option for aspiring entrepreneurs.

One of the primary factors driving the restaurant industry’s growth is its ever-increasing demand. With changing lifestyles and busier schedules, people are turning to restaurants for their meals more than ever before. According to a report by Statista, revenue in the US food service sector amounted to over 899 billion U.S. dollars in 2021 alone. 2023 is predicted to be 997 billion, eclipsing even pre-pandemic numbers. This figure is only expected to rise in the coming years, making it a promising investment opportunity for entrepreneurs.

Moreover, technological advancements have also played a crucial role in propelling the growth of this industry. The rise of online food delivery platforms has made it easier for customers to order from their favorite restaurants without leaving their homes. This convenience factor has led to an increase in demand for restaurant services, further boosting its growth.

Furthermore, franchising has become popular among restaurant owners due to its low-risk nature and established brand recognition. Franchising allows entrepreneurs access to proven business models and marketing strategies that have already been successful in other locations. As a result, franchisees can avoid many of the challenges of starting a new business from scratch.

Another contributing factor to restaurant growth is the evolving consumer preferences toward healthier eating habits. Today’s consumers are increasingly health-conscious and actively seek options offering nutritious yet delicious meals. As such, many restaurants have adapted by offering healthier menu options or incorporating sustainable practices into their operations.

Social media has played a significant role in promoting awareness about new restaurants and attracting potential customers. Platforms like Google, Instagram, Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and others allow businesses to showcase their dishes, ambiance, and overall aesthetic, which can be a compelling factor for diners to visit. The power of social media and directories has helped restaurants gain a broader reach and tap into new markets, further contributing to the industry’s growth.

The restaurant industry’s growth is driven by increasing demand, technological advancements, franchising opportunities, changing consumer preferences, and the power of social media. All these factors have created a fertile ground for entrepreneurs to invest in restaurant franchises and capitalize on this growing trend.

Advantages of Owning a Restaurant Franchise

While owning a franchise has challenges, numerous advantages make it an attractive choice for aspiring business owners.


  1. Established Brand Recognition: One of the most significant advantages of owning a franchise is the immediate brand recognition and reputation that comes with it. By investing in a well-known franchise, entrepreneurs can benefit from all the marketing efforts and customer loyalty that the parent company has built over time. This can save them time and money when establishing their brand identity.
  2. Proven Business Model: Franchise companies often have tried and tested business models that have proven successful in multiple locations. This means franchisees don’t waste time experimenting with different strategies or systems—they can rely on what has already been proven to work.
  3. Training and Support: Franchise companies typically provide comprehensive training programs for their franchisees, covering everything from operations and management to marketing and financial management. This ensures that even those without previous experience in running a restaurant can successfully operate their own business under the guidance of experts.
  4. Access to Resources: As part of a larger corporation, franchisees have access to resources that may be out of reach for independent businesses, such as bulk purchasing power, technological advancements, and research and development initiatives. These resources help reduce costs and provide competitive advantages over other smaller restaurants.
  5. Reduced Risk: Starting any new business comes with inherent risks; however, investing in a well-established franchise can significantly minimize these risks compared to starting from scratch as an independent entrepreneur. With an established brand name, proven systems, and ongoing support from the franchisor, there is less uncertainty regarding potential success.
  6. Flexibility: Franchises offer flexibility that may not be available with independently owned businesses. Depending on the franchise agreement, owners may have the option to choose their suppliers, set their prices, and make confident operational decisions while still operating under a known brand.

Owning a franchise offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs looking to enter the restaurant industry. From established brand recognition and support to proven business models and reduced risk, franchising has become popular among aspiring business owners. However, it’s essential to carefully research and consider all aspects of owning a franchise before deciding to invest in one.

Popular Types of Restaurant Franchises

In recent years, restaurant franchises have become a growing trend among entrepreneurs due to their numerous benefits. One of the key factors driving this trend is the variety of popular types of restaurant franchises available in the market.

  1. Fast Food Franchises are perhaps the most well-known type of restaurant franchise, with big names such as McDonald’s, Subway, and KFC dominating the market. These franchises offer convenient and affordable food options for people on the go or those looking for a quick meal.
  2. Casual Dining Franchises offer a more relaxed dining experience than fast-food establishments. Examples include Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, and Chili’s. Casual dining franchises often provide a more comprehensive range of menu options and higher-quality ingredients than fast food chains.
  3. Fine Dining Franchises are an attractive option for an upscale dining experience. These restaurants typically have a more formal atmosphere, higher-end menu items, and impeccable service to create a luxurious dining experience. Examples include Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse and Morton’s Steakhouse.
  4. Specialty Restaurant Franchises cater to consumers who are more health-conscious and adventurous with their taste buds. They have gained popularity in recent years by focusing on specific cuisines or dietary preferences, such as vegetarian/vegan restaurants (e.g., Veggie Grill), sushi bars (e.g., Benihana), or Mediterranean cuisine (e.g., Cava).
  5. Coffee Shop Franchises are staples of everyday life. With coffee becoming an essential part of many people’s lives, coffee shop franchising has seen significant growth in recent years. From iconic brands like Starbucks to local favorites like Tim Hortons and Dunkin’ Donuts, these cafes offer customers coffee and various food options.
  6. Food Truck Franchises: A relatively new addition to the restaurant franchise market, food trucks have become famous for entrepreneurs looking for low-cost and flexible options. These mobile restaurants often offer unique and trendy menus, making them attractive to younger generations. A food truck is how the Sombrero Tacoria Mexican Restaurant began, with one truck. It then expanded into four restaurants in New Jersey and New York and is further growing by offering territories as a franchisor.
  7. Ethnic Cuisine Restaurants offer unique and diverse dining experiences catering to specific cultural backgrounds, allowing customers to indulge in authentic flavors worldwide, for example, Mexican, Asian, or Mediterranean.

The popularity of restaurant franchises can be attributed in part to the diverse range of options available to entrepreneurs. From fast food chains catering to busy consumers to upscale fine dining restaurants offering a luxurious experience – there is something for everyone in the restaurant franchise industry. This makes it an attractive business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to enter the ever-growing food and beverage sector.

Steps to Starting a Restaurant Franchise Business

Starting a restaurant franchise business can be exciting and rewarding for entrepreneurs. However, any business venture requires careful research, planning, and execution to ensure success. In this section, we will discuss the essential steps to take when starting a restaurant franchise business.

Step 1: Research and Evaluate Franchise Opportunities
The first step in starting a restaurant franchise is thoroughly researching and evaluating different franchising opportunities. This includes understanding the market demand for the specific type of cuisine or concept the franchise offers in the location you intend to operate. Research the demographics to assess age, income range, and whether the foot traffic is residential, work-related, or both. Consider enlisting the help of a restaurant consultant to assist in a feasibility study. It’s also important to consider any initial investment costs, ongoing fees, and support provided by the franchisor.

Step 2: Secure Funding
Once you have identified a suitable franchise opportunity, you must secure funding for your venture. This may involve obtaining loans from banks or other financial institutions, seeking investors or partners, or using personal funds. It’s crucial to have a solid financial plan in place before moving forward with your franchise purchase.

Step 3: Attend Training and Obtain Necessary Licenses
Most franchisors require their franchisees to attend training programs before opening their businesses. These programs cover everything from operational processes to marketing strategies specific to that brand. Additionally, ensure you obtain all licenses required by local laws to operate a restaurant business.

Step 4: Find Suitable Location
Location plays a significant role in the success of any restaurant business. Your franchisor may have guidelines on where your restaurant should be located based on its target demographic and competition in the area. However, it’s essential to research to find the best location that meets your and your franchisor’s criteria.

Step 5: Recruit Staff
Recruiting qualified staff is crucial for running an efficient restaurant operation. You can work with your franchisor to develop job descriptions and hiring processes that align with their brand standards. Creating a positive work culture to attract and retain top talent is also essential.

Step 6: Marketing and Promotion
As a franchisee, you will benefit from your franchisor’s marketing efforts. However, having a strategic plan in place is still essential to promote your business locally. This may include online marketing, social media campaigns, and partnerships with local businesses or organizations. Even though you’ll reply to the franchisor to support marketing efforts, you need to know how to develop and execute a marketing plan.

Starting a restaurant franchise business requires thorough research, planning, and execution. By following these steps and working closely with your franchisor, you can set yourself up for success as a franchisee in the growing trend of restaurant franchises.


Restaurant franchises are a rapidly growing trend among entrepreneurs. The abovementioned reasons highlight the benefits and advantages of investing in a restaurant franchise rather than starting a restaurant from scratch.

Firstly, a franchised restaurant’s established brand recognition and reputation provide a significant advantage over independent restaurants. This can significantly increase entrepreneurs’ chances of success in the highly competitive food industry. Also, franchisees receive training and support from experienced professionals, enabling them to run their businesses efficiently.

Secondly, the lower risk of buying into an existing franchise system makes it an attractive option for entrepreneurs. Franchisees have access to proven business models, operational procedures, and marketing strategies that the parent company has already tested and refined. This reduces the chances of failure compared to starting a new venture independently.

Thirdly, owning a restaurant franchise allows entrepreneurs to benefit from economies of scale. By being part of a larger network of restaurants, they can leverage bulk purchasing power for supplies and ingredients at reduced costs. This can lead to higher profit margins for franchisees.

Moreover, franchisors’ ongoing support helps maintain consistency across all locations while allowing some flexibility for local adaptation. This ensures that customers receive similar-quality products and services regardless of which location they visit.

Additionally, many restaurant franchises offer continuous innovation through research and development initiatives by their parent companies. This enables franchisees to stay ahead in terms of menu offerings and keep up with changing consumer preferences without having to bear substantial costs.

Furthermore, investing in a well-known restaurant franchise also offers better chances of securing financing from banks or other financial institutions than starting an independent business.

While every investment carries some risk, investing in an established restaurant franchise offers numerous benefits, such as brand recognition, proven business models, ongoing support from experienced professionals, and access to resources and expertise that can help entrepreneurs succeed in the competitive food industry. Therefore, it is not surprising that restaurant franchises are becoming an increasingly popular choice among entrepreneurs looking to enter the world of entrepreneurship.

If you’ve decided (or are still deciding) that becoming a franchisee is a path you’d like to pursue, consider securing one of the available Sombrero Mexican Tacoria franchises in your area.

More Information To Get Started Here

5 Key Factors to Consider When Evaluating a Restaurant Franchise